March 20, 2019

Once bitten...

President Vladimir Putin has ruled Russia since 1999. He has positioned himself as the leader of the world’s “socially and culturally conservative” common folk, like me, against “international liberal democracy” and all that this means. 

I am not, necessarily, referring here to transgenders; gender dysphoria, cisfemales, pansexuals, drags, criminality, anarchy, trade-unionism, freedom of Press (sic) and much much more of our “European Values”; nor to the flags we wave each time terror strikes us. I am referring to mainstream politicians who, for decades, amassed incredible fortunes (visible or hidden) by b@llshitting and impoverishing the populace: their voters.

Now, we just pay the cost of our past choices and, unfortunately, the ‘once bitten twice shy’ adage does not apply in politics; or does it?
We shall soon know.

HE Haralambides

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